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The Bowls AGM was held on Saturday, with the current committee being re-elected.
The Bowls Club recently held its Annual General Meeting where the current committee members were re-elected for the upcoming term. The office bearers include Barrie Isaac as president, Chicka Thompson as vice president, Dave Napper as secretary, and Tony Austin as treasurer. The committee members consist of Rod Quirk, Frank Raczka, John Smith, and Andrew Richards. The selectors elected were Gary Cheers, Frank Raczka, and Stewart Rogan.
Chicka Thompson was honored with the title of Life Member for his unwavering commitment, passion, and dedication to the club. His exemplary service and friendly demeanor have made him a beloved member of the team. Congratulations to Chicka Thompson for this outstanding achievement!
To enhance communication and provide information to both current and potential members, the Bowls Committee has launched a dedicated website. The website offers details on regular events, championships, club history, honor boards, and other useful information. For more information, visit kew.bowls.com.au to explore what the club has to offer.